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Simple Steps for Making Delicious Homemade Butter

Yield: 0



  • Start with "cream on the top" milk. We use raw milk from a local dairy.
  • Allow the cream to come rest outside of the refrigerator and come to around 60deg F. This step helps the fat globules in the cream bond together more effectively during the churning process.
  • Pour the room-temp cream into the mixing bowl of a stand mixer.
  • Using the whisk attachment, turn the mixer on to speed 4.
  • As you mix, the cream will go through distinct stages. First, it will become whipped cream, and then it will begin to separate into butter and buttermilk. This process usually takes around 10-15 minutes. And can take longer depending not the temperature of the milk being used and the speed of whisking.
  • Once the butter has formed, strain off the liquid buttermilk. Save this byproduct for later use in baking or cooking.
  • Rinse the butter under cold water to remove any remaining buttermilk. This step is crucial for preventing your butter from turning rancid too quickly.
  • If you prefer salted butter, knead in a pinch of salt during the rinsing process. This step adds a delightful savory note to your homemade butter. Salt will add moisture so be sure to keep squeezing any excess buttermilk out.
  • If you prefer, add in any seasonings, herbs, edible flowers, etc.
    Shape the butter into a block or roll and transfer it to a jar for storage. Keep it in the refrigerator, and you're ready to enjoy your freshly made butter on toast, in cooking, or however you please!
